АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Tamara Jojić Glavonjić , Suzana Lović Obradović 

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DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.253TJG


The paper presents the results of a survey conducted among the population of two protected areas (PAs) in Serbia − the Carska Bara Special Nature Reserve (SNR) and the Vlasina Outstanding Natural Landscape (ONL). The aim was to determine whether the proclamation of a protected area affects the daily life and economy of the local population and how much the local community is involved in the management process? Emphasizing tourism as the only sustainable activity suitable for protected areas, a survey was conducted. The two areas analyzed here were chosen due to the proximity of settlements, i.e. their presence in the area of protected property, the still present traditional way of using natural resources (grazing, beekeeping, collecting mushrooms, snails and fruits, exploitation of mineral raw materials, fish farming) and the use of wild flora and fauna (mowing meadows, use of reeds and rushes), and length of tenure under protection. An additional point of interest is the fact that one of them is a plain and the other is a mountainous area. The perception of the local residents about life in the protected area, their future plans and the manager, were obtained. Respondents answered questions concerning their perception of everyday life in a protected area. Do they have personal benefit or harm? Are they engaged in tourism? Can they make a decent living from tourism? Is the number of visitors is higher after obtaining the protected status? Who is the manager and is he caring more about nature or the needs of the local population? The survey included 474 residents older than 18, in five settlements of the Carska Bara Special Nature Reserve and in seven settlements of the Vlasina Outstanding Natural Landscape. 39.0% women and 61.0% males made up the sample. The respondents’ average age was 40.8 years old. The majority of those surveyed belonged to the employee category. Responses were analyzed using descriptive demographic statistics, with the help of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The obtained results are quite pessimistic, because they confirm the initial assumption that the population of protected areas in Serbia has very little or no benefit at all from living near a protected area.


protected areas; local population; tourism; survey research; Serbia


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