АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Oleg E. Prusikhin 
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.245OP
Road transport is one of the largest sources of atmospheric pollution. In recent years, there has been an increase in the passenger car fleet in Russia, while Moscow is one of the motorization leaders. Data from the Federal Tax Service of Russia were used to analyze the local distribution of the fleet. As of 2023 the new settlements of Moscow (territories integrated in 2012 in the south–west with an area of 1,480 km2) are distinguished by the highest levels of motorization for all land vehicles. This is due to the population living in the suburban area, as well as the relatively weak development of public transport. Among the districts of Moscow in previous period (until 2012), the center and adjacent districts of the capital were distinguished by the level of motorization. According to the number of trucks, the central districts of Moscow differ, which is due to the accumulation of places of registration of legal entities (including branches of SUE Mosgortrans and other carriers). Thus, the distribution of the fleet on the territory of Moscow depends on the following factors: the population and its income, the degree of development of public transport (for passenger vehicles), registration of legal entities, owners of cars, and the distribution of transportation infrastructure.
motorization, vehicle fleet, territorial distribution, Moscow
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