АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Natalia E. Kosheleva , Liliya A. Bezberday , Nikolay S. Kasimov 

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DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.225NK


An indicator of urban environmental pollution can be road dust, which is formed by the participation of many anthropogenic sources. For Moscow, the main source of heavy metals and metalloids (HMMs) is motor transport which emissions are toxic. Pollutants in fine fractions of road dust are easily blown into the air, then enter the human body and pose a health risk. This work is devoted to assessing the spatial distribution and environmental hazard of HMMs accumulation in road dust and its fine fractions PM1-10 and PM1 in the Central Administrative Okrug (CAO) of Moscow based on field data for 2023. The list of priority pollutants coming with technogenic emissions in the CAO includes Sb, Zn, Cu, and Cd, as well as Sn, Pb, Mo, and W. In fine fractions, the mean content of these HMMs is an order of magnitude higher; its variability is lower, while the differences in the contents of the elements in dust from roads with various traffic intensities become more contrasting. Differences between the roads are caused by intensity, average speed, and mode of the traffic, as well as by the composition of the vehicle fleet and the frequency of traffic jams. Extremely high and dangerous pollution in the PM1 fraction was found in about 85% of samples; the average for the okrug total pollution index for this fraction is 1.4 times higher than for the PM1-10 fraction.


particle size fractions; enrichment; non-exhaust emissions; microparticles; pollution


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