АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Viktoria R. Bityukova , Natalia A. Koldobskaia 

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DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.207VB


The change in the volume of emissions from Moscow’s motor transport and its territorial proportions was the result of the combined effect of transformational and inherited factors (path dependency). The key among the inherited factors was the transport network and the radial-ring layout, which leads to low network connectivity. Transformational factors are, first of all, the growth of the number of cars, improvement of fuel, and engine. However, in recent years, on the contrary, the number of cars and the structure of the fleet have become a conservative factor, and the city’s development strategies have focused on the construction and reconstruction of roads, strengthening the connectivity of the network and the development of public transport. The construction of roads and the intensive reconstruction of urban transport arteries significantly improve the nature of traffic, reduce the intensity of congestion, but at the same time create new areas of pollution. Emission reduction is achieved only for light trucks on gasoline and heavy trucks on diesel. The main trend in recent years has been the increasing uniformity of pollution from motor vehicles. New housing construction programs and large-scale projects for the transformation of Moscow districts lead to an increase in the connectivity of the city and, at the same time, to the equalization of the density of motor vehicle pollution. The balance of these factors changes over time (if at the beginning of the post-Soviet period the main factors were inherited, then in recent years these are mainly positive transformational factors) and in space: industrial zones have been preserved only on the outskirts of the city, and railway stations are being moved there; the changing topology of the network has not only increased connectivity, but also created a vacuum effect in the center. Based on field observations and calculations, it has been proven that the construction of new highways and interchanges provides a temporary effect of reducing pollution as a result of the redistribution of traffic but stimulates new traffic and creates new areas of pollution.


motor transport; pollution; transport network; urban ecology; Moscow


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