АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Elena Petrova

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DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.181EP


Hazardous natural processes and phenomena of various origins not only have a direct negative impact on the population and the economy, but also could act as a kind of “trigger” for the occurrence of accidents and emergencies in the technological systems and infrastructure facilities that they affect. Such types of accidents and emergencies, which are triggered by the impact of any natural hazard, are considered as natural hazard triggered technological accidents (so called Natechs). Especially dangerous social and environmental consequences have accidents resulting in releases of various pollutants. Accidents that disrupt the normal living conditions of the population create emergency situations. The paper presents the results of a long-term study of Natech events, their causes and consequences, temporal and regional distribution in the Russia. The observation period was 1991–2023. The main research method is the compilation of an electronic database (DB) of technological accidents, followed by statistical and geographical analysis. The information in the DB is collected in a structured form that allows searching and computer processing of the accumulated data. Data about previous dangerous events, collected in a DB over a sufficiently long period of time (more than 30 years in our case), can be interpolated to predict their future development, as well as to assess natural risks for the population. The author’s DB contains information about accidents and emergencies at technological facilities that occurred in Russia since 1991, including those caused by the impact of natural hazards. The main types of Natechs are distinguished. The areas of the highest risk of their occurrences have been identified. The contribution of various natural factors to the formation of the identified types of Natechs has been studied. Almost half of all events (48%) were caused by the impact on technological objects of a whole complex of dangerous hydrological and meteorological processes and phenomena, which include unfavorable combinations of various climatic parameters and hazards, such as strong winds, liquid and solid precipitation, floods, hard frosts, heat waves, lightning strikes, and others.


natural hazard; Natech; technological system; infrastructure; database; Russia


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