АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Jelena Ćalić , Ana Mladenović , Marko V. Milošević , Aleksandar S. Petrović , Milovan Milivojević , Rastko Glišić 

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DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.153JC


The paper presents the Nuna Cave, as one of the more than 20 documented caves in the karstic environment of Miroč Mt. in eastern Serbia. The wider surroundings encompass the 100 km long gorge of the Danube River (Iron Gates, Djerdap) in the segment where it is entrenched into the Southern Carpathian Mountains, with the Pannonian Basin upstream and the Dacian Basin downstream. The first karst explorations in the area date back to the 19th century, while the majority of them took place in the second part of the 20th century, focusing on speleology, hydrogeology, surface karst morphology, biospeleology and geoarchaeology. Tectonically, Miroč Mt. is an anticlinal structure. On the terrain surface, Upper Jurassic limestones are the dominant lithological component. Typical features of karst morphology are ponors (stream-sinks) along the long lines of contacts between karstic and non‐karstic rocks, approving the status of exemplary contact karst along the whole outline. Nuna Cave is the southernmost ponor of Miroč karst. The length of the cave passages is 135 m, while the denivelation between the highest and lowest point is 17 m (+6, −11). Despite the relatively small length, the cave contains large number of indicators pointing to its geological history, morphogenesis and recent hydrological and morphological processes.


karst; caves; speleology; Miroč Mt; eastern Serbia


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