Одрживи развој : вектор Србије ка будућности (2024), str. 109-124

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Matej Jaššo , Milan Husár

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DOI: 10.46793/82154-04-4.109J


Rivers play a crucial role in spatial planning, urban sustainability and semiotics, shaping the identity and development of cities. This paper explores the interaction between urban rivers and city planning, focusing on the cases of HafenCity in Hamburg and Eurovea in Bratislava. It examines how rivers contribute to urban sustainability by providing ecological benefits, enhancing microclimates and supporting biodiversity, leading to improvements in livability and quality of life. Additionally, it discusses the semiotic significance of rivers, highlighting their role in shaping the social and cultural identity of urban areas. The paper also addresses the challenges of managing urban rivers, such as pollution and habitat degradation and emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices in urban redevelopment projects. Through a thorough analysis of HafenCity and Eurovea, the paper demonstrates how integrating rivers into urban planning can create vibrant, sustainable, and resilient urban environments.


urbanity, urban sustainability and urban semiotics, spatial planning, rivers



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