Possibilities of Identifying Children with Delayed Psychomotor Development

Наука и образовање – изазови и перспективе (2022) (стр. 327-342)

АУТОР(И): Jana Balážová, Gabriela Filka 

Е-АДРЕСА: jbalazova@ukf.sk

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DOI: 10.46793/NOIP.327B


Based on the knowledge about psychomotor development, the paper presents research aimed at developing an observation sheet suitable for teachers in kindergartens and summarizing the most common difficulties of preschool children in Slovakia and Serbia. It defends the need to identify children with delayed psychomotor development and summarizes the possibilities of screening the functionality of psychomotor development of children at an early age.


psychomotor development, delayed psychomotor development, child with delayed psychomotor development, screening, developmental functionality.


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