Flora of the Vidlič Mt (Southeastern Serbia) / Флора планине Видлич (Југоисточна Србија)

Етноботаника 2 (2022), стр. 45-128

АУТОР(И):  Marija Marković

Е-АДРЕСА: marijam@pmf.ni.ac.rs

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DOI: 10.46793/EtnBot22.045M


The flora of the Vidlič Mt, which is relatively spacious limestone massif, located mostly in Southeastern Serbia, was studied. The vascular flora was investigated in the period 2003 – 2013. Based on the analysis of the collected material during field studies, and data from the literature, it was noted that the flora of Vidlič Mt is represented by 1264 species and subspecies, distributed in 55 orders, 93 families and 444 genera of plants. The majority of plant taxa belongs to the Euroasian area type (42%) followed by taxa of the Mediterranean- Submediterranean area type (20%). The biological spectrum of the flora in the study area was shown, and it was compared with the biological spectrum of the flora of Serbia, Balkan Peninsula, Mediterranean region and temperate zone of Europe. Vidlič Mt is characterized by high presence of hemicryptophytes (46%), which fits into the range of Serbian flora, and it is closer in ecological sense to the floras of the temperate zone. In the flora of Vidlič Mt, the 25 balkan endemic taxa were recorded, which is 8.71% of the total number of balkan endemic taxa in Serbia.


flora, area type, life form, endemic taxa, Vidlič Mt


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