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Looking for an answer to the question what knowledge represents the centre of gravity in teaching and learning and thus also in testing and assessing knowledge, as well as in the interpretation of students’ achievements taxonomies of learning objectives for the cognitive area can be of assistance. In education sciences there are several taxonomies of cognitive knowledge (Bloom, Marzano, Gagne). Taxonomy is derived from basic cognitive
– mental processes that are arranged in a hierarchic relationship, namely from the lowest – the simplest to the highest – the most complex process.
The present paper represents an introduction to Bloom’s, Gagne’s, and Marzano’s taxonomies. Bloom’s taxonomy is one of the best known classifications of learning objectives, where Bloom and associates have formed a taxonomy of cognitive, conative, and psycho-motoric learning objectives. In the cognitive area the following degrees have been defined: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, synthesising, and evaluating. Gagne’s classification of knowledge classifies the achievements of learners into: basic and conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and problem solving knowledge. Marzano’s taxonomy distinguishes between content and lifelong or process knowledge, which are further divided into complex thinking, data processing, communication, cooperation in the group, and development of mental habits
taxonomy, Marzano’s taxonomy, Bloom’s taxonomy, Gagne’s classification of knowledge, knowledge testing.
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