Encounters of Digital Technologies and Educational Psychology: Challenges of Interdisciplinarity

10th International Scientific Conference Technics, Informatics and Education – TIE 2024, str. 548-552

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Nataša Simić , Milan Simić

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DOI: 10.46793/TIE24.548S


Global crises call for innovative, interdisciplinary solutions; however interdisciplinary research and practices are still rare internationally and in Serbia. This paper reviews the literature on the challenges and benefits of interdisciplinarity, focusing on education and digital technologies. Its main contribution is presentation and analysis of the collaborative process between an educational psychologist and a computer science engineer in preparing a project proposal on computer-supported collaborative learning. Our methodology, based on collaborative analytic autoethnography, revealed that significant time was spent in conceptualizing the problem, goals and objectives. Besides “language” barriers, we also experienced methodological and epistemological challenges and had to disentangle ideas about the precedence of natural sciences and technology over social sciences. These processes, accompanied with many concerns and exhaustion have been resolved through persistence, mutual respect, interdisciplinary dialogues and reading circles. For future interdisciplinary endeavours to become transformative it is necessary to ensure broader participation of diverse stakeholders and to further reflect on the unresolved issue in the area of education.


interdisciplinary; digital technologies; educational psychology; education; autoethnography


Work on this paper was financially supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia as part of the financing of scientific research work at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy (contract number 451-03-66/2024-03/ 200163.


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