1st International Scientific Conference Steam + X Approach in Education: Research, Practice and Perspectives, 2024 (pp. 197–212)
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Jasmina Damnjanović
, Stanko Cvjetićanin
, Mirjana Maričić
, Milica Obadović 
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DOI: 10.46793/STEAM-X24.197D
Modern education tends to increasingly implement the STEAM con-
cept in every level of education, which is considered imperative in
teaching and learning. In the available research, a small number of
papers were found that aim to examine the importance and contribu-
tion of the application of “Hands-on” experiments within the STEAM
strategy in different cognitive domains. Accordingly, this paper aims
to present previous research examining the application of “Hands-
on” experiments in the STEAM educational approach where positive
educational outcomes have been observed, for a more complex un-
derstanding of this framework. The paper discusses the theoretical
starting points of the STEAM model as a concept of modern edu-
cation, and then gives an overview of the design of current STEAM
models that are applied in the educational process. It looks at hands-
on experiments in the context of STEAM, as well as the importance
that hands-on experiments can provide when students learn through
their own experience. In this regard, this presentation points to the
importance, possibilities and additional ideas for a more complex
research of this approach in order to see the contribution of the ap-
plication of “Hands-on” experiments first of all to the acquisition of
integrated knowledge, and then to the development of the necessary
skills and abilities that the STEAM approach encourages.
STEAM educational approach, “Hands-on” experiments, STEAM models, educational outcomes
This research is partially supported by project Creating an environment for STREAM implementation – a step towards the EU funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia (no.142-451- 3042/2023-01/01), by the project European STEAM+X education strategy in Vojvodina, funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia (no: 000833937 2024 09418 003 000 000 001 04 002) and by the Ministry of science and technological development through grant 200141.
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