1st International Scientific Conference Steam + X Approach in Education: Research, Practice and Perspectives, 2024 (pp. 175–196)
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Milica Vojvodić Savić
, Biljana Jeremić
, Jovana Milošević
, Radmila Zečević 
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DOI: 10.46793/STEAM-X24.175VS
Creative individuals are characterized by the ability to redefine prob-
lems, connect disparate elements and search for unexpected an-
swers. Similar traits are found in children, who intuitevely link play
with knowledge and creative expression. This holistic perspective is
disrupted in school due to the differentiation into distinct teaching
subjects. Various educational concepts such as this holistic approach,
aim to mitigate these effects. The purpose of this paper is to pres-
ent the results of a workshop focused on integrating artistic practice
into STEAM education, emphasizing the transition from STEM to
STEAM. The goal is to analyze alternative teaching methods that pri-
oritize the creative process over the final product. The wokshop is
devided into three activities. The first acitivity emphasizes interdisci-
plinarity and the creativiy, integrating art with STEM disciplines. The
second activity explores the role of arts in developing 21st century
competencies, through active methods like brainstorming, focusing
on aestethic competencies collaboration, and problem solving. The
third activity examines how artistic activities enhance experiential
learning and conceptual organization, linking new STEM knowledge
into real life applications. This workshop underscores the necessity of
a modified teacher’s role in fostering creativity, stimulating curiosity,
and enhancing intrinsic motivation, ultimately preparing students
for innovative and flexible problem solving in the future.
active teaching methods, art, competencies, music culture, visual arts culture
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