1st International Scientific Conference Steam + X Approach in Education: Research, Practice and Perspectives, 2024 (pp. 56–71)
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Milan Čavić
, Milica Pavkov-Hrvojević
, Milica Beljin Čavić
, Ivana Bogdanović 
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DOI: 10.46793/STEAM-X24.056C
In lower elementary school levels, an interdisciplinary approach is
implied, but as students progress to higher grades, subjects become
more differentiated, even within the realm of natural sciences. This
content differentiation is particularly pronounced in university ed-
ucation. The research aimed to investigate the correlations between
students’ attitudes toward the applied approach, motivation, and
metacognition when implementing an interdisciplinary approach
along with modern technology within project-based learning. A ped-
agogical experiment was conducted with a sample of 62 first-year
students at the University of Novi Sad, utilizing a questionnaire. In
group work, students prepared their video materials about the topic
of Diffusion and Osmosis. The research results showed that there is a
positive correlation between students’ motivation for learning phys-
ics and metacognition, as well as between students’ attitudes toward
the applied approach and metacognition and students’ motivation.
Since students have positive attitudes about the project-based learn-
ing, based on the obtained results, the potential and necessity of im-
plementing this approach in university education can be highlighted.
STE(A)M, digital education, digitization, interdisciplinarity.
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