1st International Scientific Conference Steam + X Approach in Education: Research, Practice and Perspectives, 2024 (pp. 13–30)
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Milica Lazić 
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DOI: 10.46793/STEAM-X24.013L
Despite the frequent recommendation for enriched and differentiated
curricula for gifted students, there remains a paucity of research ex-
amining the efficacy of STEAM education in developing this group’s
knowledge and skills. In this light, the purpose of this study was to
analyze research trends, identify gaps in the literature, and propose
future research directions through a bibliometric analysis of SCO-
PUS data spanning from 1994 to 2024. Utilizing keywords pertaining
to giftedness and STEAM education, 577 papers were selected for
analysis. The study employed bibliometric mapping, a quantitative
methodology for analyzing patterns in academic literature, using
VOSviewer software within a descriptive research framework to vi-
sualize and analyze relationships within the field of study. The find-
ings reveal a significant geographical bias in the research landscape,
with the majority of studies conducted in the United States (61%)
or Europe (24.3%). The obtained disciplinary distribution of stud-
ies showed a predominance in the social sciences (31.4%), followed
by engineering (19.2%) and psychology (13.8%), while research was
notably scarce in physics and astronomy, as well as in the arts and
humanities. Thematically, studies primarily addressed gender differ-
ences, spatial abilities, creativity, or motivation, with limited explora-
tion of other relevant topics. Based on these findings, it is suggested
that future research in STEAM education for gifted students priori-
tize more interdisciplinary approaches, explore understudied areas
such as the arts and technology integration, and focus on develop-
ing cognitive processes and STEAM education outcomes beyond the
commonly researched topics.
STEM education, talented students, bibliometrics
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