XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2024 (pp. 6-14)
АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Vesna Blagojević
, Aleksandra Cvetković
, Predrag Ivaniš
, Jelena Manojlović 
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DOI: 10.46793/SAUM24.006B
The Internet of Things (IoT) has great impact on various aspects of everyday life and constantly brings new applications dedicated for diverse scenarios and environments. Additionally, this concept has an important contribution in automation processes which are often located in remote or industrial, hardly accessible areas. Conventionally used terrestrial systems has limitation in the possibility of its deployment due to natural and economic reasons, which brings the need for the network extension and the integration of satellite and aerial networks to work as the complementary part needed in specific scenarios. In this paper we present the overview of contemporary satellite and aerial networks, highlighting the scenarios where their implementation can enable services provisioning. In the further part we present the analysis of the system realized in remote area with the integrated terrestrial-aerial-satellite system and wireless power transfer employed for the powering of energy-limited IoT node.
Internet of Things (IoT), energy harvesting, mega-constellation, outage probability, satellite network, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Vesna Blagojević and Predrag Ivaniš acknowledge the support of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, grant No. 7750284 (Hybrid Integrated Satellite and Terrestrial Access Network—hi-STAR). The work of Aleksandra Cvetković and Jelena Manojlović was financially supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia (Contract No. 451-03-47/2023-01/200109).
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