IX Regionalna konferencija Industrijska energetika i zaštita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope (str. 377-388)
АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Milan Đorđević, Balša Ćeranić, Kristian Vukajlović, Stefan Pavlović, Leposava Ristić, Milan Bebić
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DOI: 10.46793/IEEP24.377DJ
The paper presents an analysis of operation of a three-phase active rectifier with control algorithm based on direct power control (DPC), representing the rectifier part of a frequency converter supplying an induction machine, with a control algorithm based on direct torque control (DTC). Dynamical model of such a drive is introduced, performance of which is analyzed based on simulations on the model, and then based on experimental results on the laboratory setup. The focus of the analysis conducted in the paper is monitoring the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the rectifier’s grid current in various operating modes of the drive, when supplied from a grid with voltage THD according to existing regulations. By analyzing the results obtained from testing the applied control algorithm of the active rectifier in the laboratory and simulations on the model, appropriate conclusions regarding the mutual influence of grid voltage and grid current of the grid converter within the frequency converter have been drawn. Additionally, this mutual influence has been analyzed in three more configurations of industrial drives with different grid side converters: employing a diode rectifier without a filter choke, utilizing a diode rectifier with a filter choke, and implementing an active rectifier with supplementary higher harmonic filtration.
active rectifier, total harmonic distortion, direct power control, diode rectifier, filter
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