IX Regionalna konferencija Industrijska energetika i zaštita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope  (str. 332-339)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): M. Perkunić, N. Stanković, T. Sekulić, A. Momčilović, M. Saulić

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DOI: 10.46793/IEEP24.332P


 Čačalica is a hill with the area of 26.6 hectars (203 m above the sea level) situated on the southeast outskirts of the city of Požarevac. Memorial Park Čačalica is a man-made „oasis of nature“ amidst the urban and agricultural surroundings, and it has been regarded as one of city’s icons for many years. Cultural and historical significance of this Memorial Park make its preservation imperative. This research presents the phytocenological assessment of section „V“, also known as the „Black pine section“, one of 24 forested sections in Čačalica. Based on the data obtained by the phytocenological evaluation in the spring of 2023, it was determined that in the Čačalica memorial park, in section „V“ of the area of 2.01 ha, 46 types of vascular plants were found within 25 families. The stand of three arbors was evaluated: first-order arboretums (tall trees), second-order arboretums (low trees and shrubs), third-order arboretums (herbaceous plants). One of the reasons why the inhabitants of Požarevac breathe the air of good quality safe for human health, despite well-developed industry and proximity of the the coal-fired power plant, is the existence and maintainance of green urban oases. The city of Požarevac has its own urban lungs.


Memorial-park Čačalica, forest biodiversity, phytocoenological assessment, Požarevac city


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