IX Regionalna konferencija Industrijska energetika i zaštita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope  (str. 244-257)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Srđan Vasković, Petar Gvero, Nermin Montel, Ivan Marijanović

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DOI: 10.46793/IEEP24.244V


This paper describes the possibilities of use developed Dignet Energy Platform (DEP) – platform for modeling and optimization of bioenergy production. DEP presents a set of software tools based on a mathematical model that calculates the desired outputs and the profitability of the investments in this type of renewable energy source based on input parameters by using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). This tool enables the simplification of complex, biomass-based energy production related calculations, while also enables the customization of each individual element in the bioenergy production process. The user is able to use a simple procedure to „simulate“ the production parameters and choose the best option from a set of biomass-based projects. Several aspects of selected project quality assessment are enabled based on defined criteria calculated for each desired project type. These criteria are: energy efficiency f1 (without the dimensional value), total investment in the production chain f2 (EUR), fuel, heat, and/or electricity production price f3 (in EUR/ton or in EUR/kWh), CO2 emission in the biomass fuel, heat, and/or electricity production chain f4 (in kg CO2/t or in kg CO2/kWh) and exergetic factor of the quality chain f5 (dimensionless). This paper describes a simple protocol for use of DEP. As an example in this paper, three chains of biomass fuel production are taken: a chain for the production of wood chips, a chain for the production of straw bales and a chain for the production chips from miscanthus.  All chains related to the setting conditions applicable to the Republic of Croatia, and the region. The DEP platform is a very usable tool that quickly selects the optimal project based on biomass with a large amount of information needed for its further development.


DEP platform, modeling, bioenergy chains, optimization


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