IX Regionalna konferencija Industrijska energetika i zaštita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope  (str. 181-188)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Tamara Pavlović, Milan Bebić, Leposava Ristić, Novica Janković

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DOI: 10.46793/IEEP24.181P


The pump is designed and tested for conditions under which pump can increase fluid flow energy by transferring the work of the driving machine (electric motor) to the fluid through the blades. This mode of operation of the pump is called normal pump regime. In each system there are possibilities for some unpredictable cases, so even in operation of the pump unfavorable operating regimes may occur. Those regimes can occur in the case of transient behavior, that is when system is going from one equilibrium state to another one. Unfavorable operating regimes occur during shout down of electrical power, when connecting the motor incorrectly, in the case of breakdown of pipeline and in many other occasions. Guided by the fact that in exploitation unfavorable operating regimes are not that common, manufacturers are testing the pump only under normal pump regime and giving those diagrams in their catalogs. The truth is that those regimes are rare, but knowing that there isalways a risk of the pump to operate in one of unfavorable regime the importance of testing pump under those regime is big. Therefore, it is very important to know how the pump behaves in the entire working area in order to ensure such a system. In this work, an installation is presented that enables testing of the pump under all regimes, making complete characteristics of the pump, as well as theresults of measurements carried out for one inline pump.


pump; non-typical operating regimes; complete characteristic of pump


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