2nd International Symposium On Biotechnology (2024), [577-586]
AUTHOR(S) / AUTOR(I): Katarina Mihajlović, Vladimir Jakovljević, Jovana Bradić, Maja Savić, Marina Nikolić, Jasmina Sretenović
E-MAIL: katarina.mihajlovic@fmn.kg.ac.rs
DOI: 10.46793/SBT29.77KM
Psoriasis lacks comprehensive data on its systemic oxidative impact. This study explores Galium verum extract’s influence on systemic oxidative state in psoriatic rats. Twenty-four male W.albino rats were divided into control (CTRL), psoriasis (PSORI) and psoriasis treated with G.verum extract (PSORI+GV) groups. Blood samples analyzed for redox state biomarkers revealed increased TBARS levels in PSORI vs CTRL and PSORI+GV. PSORI exhibited significantly lower nitrite levels compared to CTRL and PSORI+GV, with elevated O2- and H2O2 levels. GSH and SOD values were reduced in PSORI and PSORI+GV, while catalase activity increased. G.verum extract positively modulated psoriatic rat redox state.
psoriasis, redox homeostasis, Galium verum extract
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