XX Мајско саветовање (2024), Том 2 (стр. 391-401)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Katerina Krstevska Savovska

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DOI: 10.46793/XXMajsko2.391KS


Despite the fact that the Law on Criminal Procedure (so called “current LCP”, adopted in 2010), does not contain provisions dedicated to the polygraph, the previous Law contained such provisions (so called “old LCP”, adopted in 1997). As for today, the polygraph testing is regulated in the Law on Police and in the Instruction on the manner of performing the polygraph testing and the content of the written consent for application of the polygraph technique. Based on the Law on Police, the polygraph testing – as one of the prescribed police powers – is undertaken for detection of a perpetrator of a criminal act. Concerning the report of the performed polygraph testing, the Instruction stipulates that it is not a mean of evidence in a court procedure, on a contrary – it is an orientation-elimination mean for finding evidence and discovering the perpetrator of the criminal act. Having in mind the above, the Paper shall give a special focus on the Macedonian legislation, i.e. laws and by-laws that address the issue of the polygraph testing.


polygraph, polygraph testing, police powers, legislation, Macedonia


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