9th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education – TIE 2022 (2022) стр. 82-87

АУТОР(И): Vasilija Simović, Milan Vesković, Jelena Purenović

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DOI: 10.46793/TIE22.082S


Micro:bit as a new technology in education provides the solution for the gap between abstract and often incomprehensible frontal teachings and new wave of practical teaching, which forces individualization and independence of students. At the same time, by teaching students digital-technical literacy in a fun way, it increases interest and strengthens students’ will for the subject. The advantages of this device are not only oriented towards the students, but also towards the teachers and the entire school system. Modernization and the introduction of new approaches are paving the way for the schools of the future both in Serbia and around the world. The paper shows theoretical part on the basics of micro:bit, device layout, its specification and programming languages in which it is performed as well as the practical part.


micro:bit; digital literacy; block programming; Informatics; education


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