Савремено предшколско васпитање и образовање – тенденције, изазови и могућности (2023) (419-428)
АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Dominika Sondorová, Michaela Zavodʼančiková
Е-АДРЕСА / E-MAIL: dsondorova@ukf.sk
DOI: 10.46793/SPVO23.419S
The paper is devoted to the education of preschool children with visual impairment. It describes and characterizes the different musical activities that can contribute significantly to the positive development of musical abilities and skills of visually impaired children in kindergarten. Through interviews with kindergarten teachers, it demonstrates the importance of musical activities in the education of children with visual impairments. It also provides suggestions for games for visually impaired children.
preschool education, visually impaired children, musical activities.
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