XIII Međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata  (str. 351-360)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Thomas Krausche, Zheng Li, Hartmut Pasternak

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DOI: 10.46793/SGISXIII.35TK


In steel constructions welding is one of the favourable joining methods. To consider negative effects of the joining residual stresses and distortions can be found with different welding simulation tools. The usage of different tools will require know how of the process as well as the input of energy, geometry and the material. Also there is a large time amount necessary the build- up the working model with the required boundary conditions. To reduce calculation time a welding tool was developed and will be used to analyse in a quite simple and easy-applicable manner stresses. The simplified approach will be compared with earlier full scale simulation efforts. The application of such approach for considering welding effects in the component design of welded plate girders is however still quite unusual even in steel research. Especially multi-layer welds which are found in joining thick plates require multiple calculation steps and generate the need of simplifications


Steel structure, welds, residual stress, multi-layer, welding simulation


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