XIII Međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata (str. 285-292)
АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Milovan Stanojev, Radomir Folić,
Dragan Zlatkov
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DOI: 10.46793/SGISXIII.28MS
After a fire broke out in a nearby discotheque on July 2, 2012, the fire soon spread to the roof structure of the Bora Stanković Theater in Vranje and then to the entire theater building. Of the building built in 1892 by Vranje merchant Jančo Jovanović Baldžija, only the battered brick walls remained, while the entire hall with 400 seats, two theater clubs, the stage with equipment and the basement were completely destroyed. As part of the reconstruction works, it is planned to design a complete new construction of the roof, the main hall and the balcony. The stage was redesigned in part of the basement, which necessitated the underpinning of the existing foundations. In order to transfer the entire area of the building to part of the basement, new RC walls are designed while part of the old stone walls are kept. Partially damaged masonry walls are additionally stiffened with vertical tie-columns. This paper presents the reconstruction and rehabilitation measures carried out at the Bora Stanković theater in Vranje, which is successfully used today after all the completed works.
theater, fire, reconstruction, rehabilitation, roof, foundations, RC walls, stone walls
[1] Main architectural project and design documentation for rehabilitationof Bora Stanković Theater in Vranje, project office „GRAD“ Vranje, october 2014.
[2] Main structural project and design documentation for rehabilitationof Bora Stanković Theater in Vranje, project office „PROJEKT INŽENJERING“ Niš, october 2014.
[3] https://www.pozoriste-vranje.rstheater
[4] https://www.blic.rs/vesti/hronika/izgorelo-vranjsko-pozoriste-bora-stankovic-pozar-izbio-u-susednoj-diskoteci/rxcsjt7