AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Vladimir S. Kurćubić, Saša Živković, Marko Dmitrić, Slaviša Stajić, Luka V. Kurćubić
DOI: 10.46793/SBT29.51VK
Superior preservation and utilization of bioactive compounds (BAC) from plants, secondary or by-products of fruit and vegetable processing, can be achieved by lyophilization, witout chemicals used, so it is possible to deliver the highest level of BAC to consumers or specific groups, with environmentally friendly and effective products or dietary supplements. In this review paper, we will present the experiences of researchers worldwide and the opinion of our team on the possibilities of creating foods or dietary supplements modified by BAC from various synergistic phytocomplexes, superior bioactivity: in the lowest concentrations, proven positive effects on human health, with intact sensory and techno-functional properties of enriched food, attractive to consumers.
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