1st International Symposium On Biotechnology (2023), [517-522]
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Vesna Milovanović, Miloš Petrović, Vladimir Kurćubić, Marko Petković, Nemanja Miletić, Igor Đurović
E-MAIL: igor.djurovic@kg.ac.rs
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT28.517M
The aim of this paper is to make a chemical and physical comparison of cow’s milk with plant-based milk alternatives. Selected chemical and physical parameters of animal milk (raw and pasteurized cow’s milk) and plant based milk (almond and soy milk) were done. The titratable acidity, pH, conductivity, viscosity and density were measured by using standardized techniques. Additional parameters such as proteins, fat, (solids-not-fat) SNF, and lactose were determined by milk analyser and compared. The results showed that plant-based milks contain low values of proteins, fat, SNF and significantly lower acidity in comparison with cow’s milk.
raw cow’s milk, pasteurized cow’s milk, soy milk, almond milk
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