1st International Symposium On Biotechnology (2023), [465-471]
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Tomislav Trišović, Branimir Grgur, Zaga Trišović
E-MAIL: trisa@tmf.bg.ac.rs
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT28.465T
Water is the best-known universal solvent, which in nature is almost always loaded with minerals. Those minerals can be removed by purifying water, which involves physical and chemical processes that produce higher-quality water.
The goal of this work was the development of an economical mobile device for softening and heating water used in packaging washing processes in the food industry. The designed device was built and assembled, and then tested in operation at the PIK Oplenac winery in Topola. It was concluded that the device provides the desired quality of packaging washing and the required amount of softened and heated water.
water quality, ion exchange, water softening, washing, boiler.
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