AUTHOR(S) / AUTOR(I): Tomislav Trišović, Branimir Grgur, Svetomir Milojević, Zaga Trišović
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT28.457T
Heat exchangers are one of the most frequently used elements in the process industry. Water is usually used as a heating fluid and often is not chemically prepared, i.e. it has bicarbonate, calcium, and magnesium, which make the water temporarily hard and form incrustations on the primary side of the heat exchanger.
The paper shows a device for chemical cleaning of the heat exchanger without disassembling it and when the secondary side of the heat exchanger is actively working. Tests of the device in operation were carried out in the machine plant of the Tonanti Hotel in Vrnjačka Banja from 2021 to 2022, where it showed high reliability and complete independence in operation.
heat exchangers, cleaning, descaling, cleaning of heat exchangers, heat pumps, heating and cooling.
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