AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Radoslava Savić Radovanović, Slobodanka Janićijević, Jelena Aleksić Radojković
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT28.341SR
The aim of this research was to evaluate the microbiological quality of ice cream sold at catering facilities-restaurants, cake shops and bakeries on the territory of Belgrade. The material consisted of 40 samples of ice cream collected during monitoring in 2021 and 2022. Microbiological analyses were carried out according to the Rulebook on General and Special Conditions of Food Hygiene at any Stage of Production, Processing and Trade („Official Gazette of the RS„, No. 72/2010, 62/2018). ISO standard methods for detection of microorganisms in ice cream samples were applied. Out of 40 samples, all were in accordance to the safety criteria, as Salmonella spp. were not detected in any of tested samples. Four samples (10%) did not meet the hygiene criteria in production processas more than 100 CFU/g Enterobacteriaceae were detected. Out of 4 samples, one sample of ice cream was produced in the small craft facility and 3 samples were from mobile ice cream vending machines. It can be concluded that examined samples of ice cream from catering facilities in the area of Belgrade were safe for consuption, since they met the safety criteria prescribed by the applicable legislative. The improvement of hygienic measures during the production process of ice cream in small craft fecilities and vendom mobile mashines was ordered.
Enterobaceteriacae, ice cream, microbiology, safety, Salmonellae spp.
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