AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Nikola Stanišić, Nevena Maksimović, Bogdan Cekić, Dragana Ružić-Muslić, Ivan Ćosić, Nemanja Lečić, Maja Petričević
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT28.331S
Meat colour was evaluated in 36 goat kids of both genders equally from three breeds: Alpine, Balkan and Serbian white breed. Animals were slaughtered at 18 kg of body weight and three muscles were analysed for colour characteristics and pH value: m. longissimus lumborum, m. psoas major (tenderloin) and m. semimembranosus. pH values differ significantly only for m. longissimus lumborum muscle, whereas Balkan kids had a significantly higher pH value than Alpine and Serbian white (p<0.001). The goat breed significantly affected meat CIEL*a*b* values for all muscles analysed. Lightness (L*) was generally the highest for Balkan and lowest for the Alpine breed. The differences in redness (a*) and Chroma values (C*) were not significant, while the yellowness only differed for m. longissimus lumborum muscle, whereas Serbian white kids had higher b* values compared to Alpine kids. As a colour saturation characteristic, the hue angle was higher in meat from indigenous breeds (Balkan and Serbian white) than in the Alpine breed.
meat colour, pH value, indigenious goat breed
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