AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Biljana Veljković, Milica Kostić, Simeon Rakonjac, Ranko Koprivica, Marija Gavrilović, Milun Petrović
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT28.213V
The fattening of broilers in Serbia is partially organized through contract production in small family farms that fatten broilers for the needs of large companies. The article contains an economic analysis of this small family farm, which produces about 12 000 kg of chicken meat per year on a small area of 120 m2, with one family member involved all the time and other members helping as needed. Fattening broilers on the farm is organized in two ways: contract fattening up to 1 kg for 25 days and fattening up to 3.5-4 kg for 56 days. In the case of fattening broilers up to 25 days of age, on average, feed costs account for 45%, day-old chicks for 26%, and labor costs for 22%. For broilers up to 56 days of age, the largest average share is feed costs 62.4% and labor costs 26.2%. The price of fattened broilers did not change during the fattening period, so the realized production value was the same in one fattening method and similar in the other fattening method, while cost of production increased in each fattening round, which affected the reduction of contribution margine. In addition to the increase prices of feed mixtures, positive economic results were achieved on the farm, and with contract production, secure purchasing was ensured and risks in production were reduced.
broiler chickens, costs, contribution margin
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