AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Blagoje Stojković, Nenad Đorđević, Aleksa Božičković, Saša Obradović
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT28.205S
The paper presents a comparative overview of the influence of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on the degree of proteolysis and aerobic stability in Fabacea and Poacea silages. When using Lactobacillus buchneri, compared to Lactobacillus plantarum, in alfalfa silages, a significant increase in the pH value (4.67:4.23), a decrease in the amount of lactic acid (11.8:24.3 g/kg DM) and an increase in the amount NH3-N (70.6:49.8 g/kg N). When using heterofermentative LAB (L. hilgardii and L. Buchneri) compared to the control treatment, a significant increase in the acetate:lactate ratio (3.64:1.85) and a decrease in the number of yeasts was found in corn silages, while there were no significant differences in pH value and amount of NH3-N. Due to the often negative impact of heterofermentative LAB on proteins in leguminous silages, research should be continued in order to determine the best LAB combinations for corn silage, where probiotic yeasts should also be included.
inoculation, LAB, silage, proteolysis, probiotic.
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