XIX међународна конференција Безбедност саобраћаја у локалној заједници (стр. 514-523)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Miloš Pljakić, Predrag Stanojević, Aleksandra Petrović

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DOI: 10.46793/RSafLC24.514P


The significance of traffic safety issues often results from the frequency of traffic accidents depending on the level of observation. This study conducted a multifunctional analysis to develop and calibrate a spatial predictive model for traffic accidents with fatalities and injuries at the municipal level. Exposure measures commonly used as factors were employed in the model development with fixed effects to understand the underlying mechanisms. Considered factors encompassed population characteristics, the number of different vehicle categories, and the length of state roads per municipality. The results of this research indicate significant spatial correlations and relationships among the observed variables in the model. By applying the GWR methodology, it was found that the types of vehicles and the length of state roads have varying impacts on the frequency of accidents with fatalities and injuries. Based on these results, specific measures can be clearly defined for each local community.


Traffic safety, Accidents analysis, Exposure measures, GWR tehnology


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