Наука, настава, учење у измењеном друштвеном контексту (2021) (стр. 519-530)

АУТОР(И): Amalija Žakelj, Darjo Felda, Mara Cotič

Е-АДРЕСА: amalija.zakelj@pef.upr.si, darjo.felda@pef.upr.si, mara.cotic@pef.upr.si

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DOI: 10.46793/NNU21.519Z


In the paper we are going to discuss in what ways the teacher ought to educate pupils who experience different difficulties in learning mathematics. The conduct of teachers in planning and implementing the learning process from the perspective of assistance to pupils with learning difficulties are closely related with their views and notions about the relevance of individual mathematical contents as well as with their concepts of teaching, knowledge, teacher’s and pupil’s role in the classroom.

A conceptual design of the model has been created, which is based on the following premises of quality learning and teaching for pupils with learning difficulties: Making sense of mathematical knowledge from the perspective of providing assistance to pupils with learning difficulties; Education as a mutual activity of the learner and the teacher (the principle of mutual responsibility); and The principle of participation of the pupil in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning and teaching.


learning mathematics, responsibility, active participation.


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