The Patentability and Related Protection of Inventions for Second Medical Indications

 Law in the process of globalisation (2018), (str. 251-268) 

AUTOR: Bozin Vlaškovic, Zoran Miladinovic


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DOI: 10.46793/LawPG.251V


Nowadays purpose-related product protection is permitted for each second medical use inventions. In that manner the range of old dilemmas and inconsistencies relating to the format of German-type use claims and Swiss-type claims have been resolved. The introduction of purpose-related product protection resulted in the limitation of a physician’s activities. Therefore, in a number of countries the potential introduction of a solution, according to which physicians’ activities may be exempted from the effects of a patent under certain circumstances, is being analysed.


augenfällige Herrichtung, generic manufacturer, physician’s activities, indirect infringement, direct infringement.


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