The Influences of Globalization on Nation States and Law

 Law in the process of globalisation (2018), (стр. 3-22) 

АУТОР: Branislav Simonovic


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DOI: 10.46793/LawPG.003S


This paper, primarily, discusses the concept of globalization. It shows general characteristics that make globalization a unique and omnipresent phenomenon. Furthermore, it investigates the influence of globalization on nation states, with particular emphasis on developing countries. Special attention was given to the question of the influence of the American legal system on European law within the process of globalization. The paper presents different stances of American authors concerning this subject. In addition, the paper presents different models of achieving globalization in the field of law. This paper demonstrates that globalization leads to reduced sovereignty of the state, legal deregulation, the weakening of states’ legal jurisdiction in the field of control of business operations and the inconsistencies in the implementation of human rights.


globalization, law, effect of globalization on law, nation state


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