Using numerical modeling to analyze the behavior of cancer cells after diverse co-treatments

2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics ICCBIKG 2023 (355-358)

AUTOR(I) / AUTHOR(S): Tijana Djukić, Dragana Seklić, Milena Jovanović, Marko Zivanović, Nenad Filipović


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DOI: 10.46793/ICCBI23.355DJ


It is important to analyze a variety of treatments for colorectal cancer and the effects of possible co-treatments, in order to find the most efficient ones. Experimental results using cancer cell lines provide valuable information, but in combination with numerical simulations, additional quantitative information can be obtained. In this study, the viability of SW-480 cancer cells was analyzed experimentally after cotreatments of Phellnus linteus extract and chemical compound (Cisplatin drug). Numerical simulations are afterward applied to analyze the effect of diverse cotreatments on the numerical parameters of the model that are related to both cell proliferation and cell death. This approach can provide valuable insight into the quantitative effect these considered treatments have on the behavior of cancer cell lines. Similar analyses could be also performed using numerical simulations to predict the values of parameters for diverse cases that were not studied experimentally, and this would be an additional benefit for the exploration of the effects of various possible treatments.


numerical model, SW-480 cancer cell line, parameter estimation


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