2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics ICCBIKG 2023 (312-316)
АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Ivana Radojević, Nenad Stefanović, Aleksandar Ostojić
Е-АДРЕСА / E-MAIL: ivana.radojevic@pmg.kg.ac.rs
DOI: 10.46793/ICCBI23.312R
This study analyzes the condition, influence and dependence of facultative oligotrophs, with different physico-chemical and biological parameters determined in the routine monitoring of the status of natural water quality. The SeLaR database was used for advanced data analysis -statistical methods and data mining. Data were analyzed for reservoirs of different morphometric qualities, different positions, trophic status and dominant bacterial communities, Gruža and Grošnica. Classification and analysis of key influencing factors were applied in this research. The results indicate that the designed data mining system can successfully analyze the condition and impact of facultative oligotrophs in open waters, thus providing new information and knowledge valuable for research investigation and decision making.
data mining, reservoirs, facultative oligotroph, classification, influential
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