Antimicrobial potential of mushrooms Macrolepiota procera and Chlorophyllum rhacodes

2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics ICCBIKG 2023 (304-307)

AUTOR(I) / AUTHOR(S): Jovana D. Todorović, Aleksandra D. Vesić, Nevena N. Petrović, Marijana M. Kosanić


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DOI: 10.46793/ICCBI23.304T


The aim of this study is to investigate the in vitro antimicrobial properties of the acetone extracts of the mushrooms Macrolepiota procera and Chlorophyllum rhacodes. The microdilution method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and assess the antimicrobial effects against three bacterial and ten fungal species. Overall, the tested mushroom extracts had relatively strong antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganisms. The minimum inhibitory concentration for both extracts related to the tested bacteria and fungi was 0.625 – 20 mg/mL. Extract of C. rhacodes exhibited more powerful antimicrobial properties, with ranged MIC values from 0.625 mg/mL to 10 mg/mL. The Acetone extract of C. rhacodes has shown the most antibacterial activity against S. aureus, while the extract of M. procera has not shown activity against S. aureus as against G. candidum. In comparison to the standard antibiotics as positive controls, the antimicrobial activity of studied extracts was less expressed. The results suggest that mushroom species may be used for pharmaceutical purposes in treating various diseases.


mushrooms, acetone extract, antimicrobial activity


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