CPAG (2024), (str. 57-60)
AUTOR(I) / AUTHOR(S): Grigore Crăciun, Gheorghe Duțuc, Bogdan Botar
DOI: 10.46793/CPAG24.057C
Considering the pollution but also the economic losses due to the non-recycling of waste from coffee production, we thought of a method of reusing spent coffee grounds and coffee silverskin.
The present research refers to the extraction and bleaching of spent coffee grounds (SCG) and coffee silverskin (CS)through an ecological process, in 2 steps, under mild conditions. In this way, cellulose is separated, a valuable product, which can later be reused in various other applications, such as: the production of paper, cardboard and derivatives. Bleached cellulose from SCGs functionalized with polyoxometalates have special properties : antibacterial, biosorbents for separation of heavy metal ions from acid mine drainage and as biosensors for rapidly detection of chemical or biological toxins.
bleaching, spent coffee grounds, polyoxometalates
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