CPAG (2024),  (стр. 25-33)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Nenad Milosavljevic, Matteo Dartagnan, Stefano Mastrogiovanni, Andrea Bomenuto, Mario Milosavljevic, Ljupko Krstanovic

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DOI: 10.46793/CPAG24.025M


In the domain of paper production, efficient energy management is crucial for both cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability. Within this domain, the dryer section stands out as a key area where balancing energy inputs and outputs is vital for optimal performance. This article explores the dynamics of energy flow in the dryer section, emphasizing the significance of heat recovery.

The dryer section’s primary role is to remove moisture from the paper efficiently. However, a considerable amount of energy used in this process is lost through the exhaust air. This air carries a significant amount of heat, presenting an opportunity for heat recovery. Recognizing this potential is essential for implementing sustainable practices and recovering lost energy.

With the higher enthalpy of the exhaust air leaving the dryer section, it becomes an excellent source for heat recovery. By utilizing this energy-rich stream, paper production facilities can deploy heat recovery systems to capture and reuse thermal energy for various purposes within the manufacturing process. This not only reduces overall energy consumption but also aligns with environmental objectives.

Improving heat recovery systems and balancing airflow dynamics in the dryer section, as seen in PM2 (DS Smith Italy), showcases the benefits of these strategies. These enhancements align the paper drying process more closely with its design values, leading to significant energy savings and increased efficiency in paper production.


paper drying section, sustainability, energy flow, heat recovery


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