Одрживи развој : вектор Србије ка будућности (2024), str. 199-218

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Mathieu Voisin 

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DOI: 10.46793/82154-04-4.199V


This report addresses the topic of implementing mobility strategies in Serbia by sharing insights from the 40-year-long experience in France. The first part emphasizes the need to set up policies by presenting the impacts of the transport sector on national energy consumption, public health, households’ income and the organization of urban mobility in France. It recalls the national and international objectives to meet in order to mitigate climate change and it explains how shifting to shared and decarbonated mobility solutions can also create opportunities for local economy and territorial development. Eventually, it proposes a new paradigm in which cities and transport networks are designed together to fit one to the other. The second part explains the core content of mobility strategies, whether they address major metropolises, medium cities or rural settlements. Attention is paid to the main methodological steps to follow, on how to build an inclusive approach with citizens, on how to work proactively with all stakeholders and how to implement an enforceable document. The last part of the report explains the respective roles of the State, the Regions and the Local Authorities in implementing mobility strategies through a long-term decentralization process and incremental evolutions of the legal framework. It then describes the content of major French mobility planning tools such as the Urban Mobility Plan (Plan des Déplacements Urbains), which enabled the implementation of comprehensive public transport networks in major metropolises, and it describes its recent evolution towards new tools such as the Mobility Plan (Plan de Mobilité) and the Simplified Mobility Plan (Plan de Mobilité Simplifié) which focus on decarbonated modes, adequacy to the territorial context and coordination between local Mobility Authorities. Based on insights from the French National Observatory for Mobility Strategies and outcomes from official planning documents of the Republic of Serbia, possible transpositions from the French experience to Serbian cities are also proposed.


sustainable cities, mobility strategy, urban mobility plan, decarbonised mobility