Одрживи развој : вектор Србије ка будућности (2024), str. 39-52

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S):  Rudolf Giffinger

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DOI: 10.46793/82154-04-4.039G


For more than 30 years, the concept of sustainable development has been well known because of its intensive and broad discussion. Many cities emphasized in their policy documents the consideration of economic, social and environmental development in an equal way to secure corresponding resources and provide adequate living conditions for the next generations. But during the last years, scientific research by the IPCC as well as empirical evidence of many different cities showed us that climate change is taking place and produces strong weather events impacting urban livability in manifold ways. Hence urban vulnerability has become a major issue of urban politics, very often focusing on technical solutions. But nowadays, cities are increasingly realizing that their urban areas with their different technical, social, economic and environmental networks are endangered and have to re-think their strategies and policies in front of new and unforeseeable consequences of climate change. The concept of resilient development has become prominent.

This paper addresses specific features of resilient development and its requirements for a place-based policy. Based on this introduction and own project evidence, it is shown why a resilience-based approach is more powerful and which kind of new (types of) indicators should be considered in urban strategies. Finally, it is resumed which components are crucial and concluded that a new understanding of sustainable development is necessary.


sustainable urban development, resilience, indicators


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