Узданица XIX (Ванредни број) (2022), (стр. 183-197)

АУТОР(И): Olivera D. Cekić-Jovanović, Nenad Z. Gajić


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DOI: 10.46793/Uzdanica19.S.183CJ


The natural connection between mathematics, natural and technical sciences should be present and visible through very intense correlations between the respective school subjects. In many educational systems, the field of STEAM is recognized, which implies a holistic approach and integration of natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, physical ge- ography), technical and engineering sciences (electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, construction, hardware and software engineering), art and mathematics. The aim of the paper is to examine the views of elementary school teachers (N = 160) about the importance, place and role of modern technology and mathematics in STEAM education. The study discussed the basic theoretical starting points, possibilities and challenges of applying modern technology and mathematics in integrative STEAM teaching. Also, teachers’ attitudes were examined us- ing the research survey technique, using as a research instrument an anonymous questionnaire created in the Google Forms web application as a five-point Likert-type scale. The research results confirm the positive attitudes of teachers about the importance of modern technology and mathematics in STEAM education. Also, the research results confirm that primary school teachers have positive attitudes toward and often apply modern technology and mathematics in STEAM classes for the preparation of materials, research activities and individualization of the teaching process. However, to a lesser extent, they attend professional development seminars focused on the application of modern technology in STEAM integrative teaching; there is a possibility to improve this important segment of education.


STEAM education, integrative approach, teachers’ attitudes, educational technology, mathematics, Serbia.


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