Узданица XIX (Ванредни број) (2022), (стр. 149-160)

АУТОР(И): Jana Slezáková


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DOI: 10.46793/Uzdanica19.S.149S


This paper discusses the issue of perception and evaluation of the first continu- ous pedagogical training from the perspective of students as future science and mathematics teachers. In the introduction, attention is paid to the definition of pedagogical training from the perspective of selected authors. The following is an overview and a description of the skills of future teachers, which are key during the first continuous pedagogical training. Subsequently, the following section presents the organizational structure of the first training which is applied at the Faculty of Science at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic. Further, for the purposes of the empirical research, the author drew up a survey with questions addressed to future science and mathematics teachers. Based on that, the data were analysed and transformed into results. The main intention of the survey was to investigate how the students appraise their preparation for their practical training and the training itself. Pedagogical training shows the need for the development of digital competencies.

Lastly, the final part of the paper discusses the shortcomings of their practical training, which are perceived by undergraduates as future teachers. Additionally, it presents suggestions and recommendations for how to effectively improve the organizational system of these practi- cal teacher trainings.


pedagogical training, teaching competencies, tandem teaching.


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