Nasleđe 50 (2021), str. 323-339

AUTOR(I): Biljana M. Mišić Ilić

E-ADRESA: bmisicilic@gmail.com

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DOI: 10.46793/NasKg2150.323M


The pragmatic approach to linguistic borrowing focuses on the use of loanwords and cultural, social, communicative and cognitive factors that affect it. In a qualitative corpus-based analysis, this article examines the anglicism sorry (and the orthographically adapted sori) in Serbian, following the theoretical framework of pragmatic, functional adaptation (Andersen 2014). In the process of functional adaptation, sori loses and changes some of the grammatical and illocutionary potential of English sorry, but also develops some new discourse functions in Serbian, primarily related to the discourse type, register and style, sociolinguistic characteristics and motivations of the speakers, and specific communicative nuances. Compared to  Serbian  izvini(te), as the most general pragmatic marker of the apology speech act, sori has not only a narrower range of pragmatic meaning but a more restricted use, limited to colloquial urban style and the medium of spoken language, social networks and tabloid media.


anglicism, sorry, pragmatic borrowing, functional adaptation, Serbian, apologies, language contacts


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