Nasleđe 48 (2021), str. 269-281

AUTOR(I): Biljana B. Radić-Bojanić


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DOI: 10.46793/NasKg2148.269RB


English language vocabulary is not static and unchangeable, especially because it is constantly enriched as the world changes. All this  is reflected in audiovisual media, which people around the world can access easily via the cinema, TV or the internet. Since authors like  Hopkins (2013), Israel (2013), Kabooha (2016), Kuśnierek (2016), Li and Brand (2009), Peters et al. (2016), Rodgers (2013) and Shing and Yin (2014) have found that audiovisual media can contribute to second language acquisition, the aim of this research is to establish if and to what extent they influence the acquisition of vocabulary of English as a foreign language among high school students in Serbia. In order   to obtain the data, we examined the frequency and manner of use of audiovisual media in a questionnaire and collected the data on vocabulary knowledge in a test. The research was conducted in a grammar school and the informants were 99 second and fourth-grade students.

The data were coded and statistically processed in SPSS 20.0. It was established that those students who spent more time using audiovisual media had a positive attitude towards them and achieved better results on the vocabulary test.


EFL vocabulary acquisition, films, TV series, music, high school students.


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