Vascular flora of Ruy mountain (Znepole region) and its medicinal plants

Етноботаника 1 (2021), стр. 17-31

АУТОР(И):  Dimitar S. Dimitrov


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DOI: 10.46793/EtnBot21.17D


As a result of the performed research of the Ruy mountain flora, 261 plant species were found and established. These refer to 176 genera and 57 families. There was a floral analysis performed, which determined 116 medicinal plants species. The examined local flora has 12 Balkan endemites and 19 relict species. There is one species with endangered conservation status – Galanthus elwesii Hook. f. There were 7 species determined, which fall within the scope of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The plant species found were examined and determined in terms of biological types. The floral complex of this local flora was also determined.


floral analysis, medicinal plants, floral complex


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